Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Well look at me, I have started a blog.

Question #1: Why?

Well, here's the deal. I co-own a record label called Sick Room Records, LTD and I have born witness to a lot of turmoil, recently, in the business. Rather than just sit back and watch, I have decided to do some research, read up on a few topics, and basically try to figure out a place for myself in this crazy mixed up world of culture, trends, media, new economies, etc. So, this, I hope is going to be a way for me to document my process of discovery, and share my opinions, views and thoughts.

Also, in my forays onto the internet, I sometimes stumble across some interesting news or tidbits of web junk that I would like to share from time to time, maybe even a band or two...

Question #2: So then this is just a promotional deal for some mediocre indie label?

Not at all. I mean, I really like doing the label, and for all practical purposes it rules my life. so, some content about what we are doing as a business is probably going to slip in every once in a while. I love my bands, and I think they are great, so why not let people know about them? With that said, though The Circular Ruin is going to be an independent entity, with its own purpose.

Question #3: So you think you're smart?

Hell no. I'm not an academic, a social critic, a pundit, or an expert on anything at all really. I am just trying to figure my own head out. As I read and think about stuff, then maybe, hopefully, I might be able to pass on an insight or two. So if some MA candidate wants to spew out all her critical theory all over me and pop all of my balloons then whatever. I am not claiming any authority...

So yeah my intention is just to collect some news and commentary that all loosely revolve around a theme. Hopefully other people will find it interesting.

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